On 19 July 2010, I officially started the "90 Days of Kindness Challenge," hosted by Laura over at the wonderful blog, Along for the Ride.
I find myself joining this challenge, since I tend to look for what's wrong with the world, whether than what's right with it.
I assess my personal life and think of ten things that are not going well, while simultaneously ignoring the ten things that are going fantastically awesome!!! (It takes a lot of energy out of me, I must say...)
My goal for this challenge is to actively recognize three things each day, no matter how small or trivial, that exude kindness.
How will I accomplish this goal?? Glad you asked!!!
- Right here on my blog, I will recognize three kind things that I encounter each day.
- These proofs of kindness could be anything, from a kind word I hear at home from my children or husband to something amazingly kind that I encounter on the blogosphere or web. These kindness encounters could be a picture, word, or deed.
I am so excited about this challenge!! I am definitely looking forward to the benefits of opening my eyes to everything that is kind!!!
.: I am behind on my "Kindness Challenge" postings (due to a HUGE blogging event on my other blog and weekend travelling), so I am posting days four through eight today ... making a grand total of 15 kindness encounters!!! :.
Mary Elizabeth's Days Four through Eight Kindness Encounters:
- This book that I am currently reading for review:

- A gentle touch on the hand from my husband during our l-o-n-g car trip this weekend.
- Spending time with my husband's grandmother this weekend, who is very ill with cancer.
- Watching my older children play with their beloved baby sister, Naomi.
- Just talking and being heard.
- Listening to Elijah, my 6-year-old son, talk enthusiastically about his interest in volcanoes! You simply cannot find enthusiasm akin to that of a child!!!
- Hugs from a dear, dear aunt. I sure needed them!
- This book my children checked out from the library:

- Sleeping in on Sunday morning, thanks to my husband.
- Watching my husband hold his grandmother's hand.
- Reading kind comments from all of you about this challenge. Thank you!
- Gently holding my 2-year-old son while he threw a tantrum.
- Gazing at nature during the car trip this weekend.
- Packing a picnic lunch for my family today.
- This quote from the incredible Mahatma Gandhi:

As always, extending ten thousand ((hugs)) to you,