11 October 2008

Busy Saturday

Busy, busy day!!! My three little ones were whisked all over town for a wonderful, fun-filled fall day....which explains why they're all peacefully sleeping and the bedtime ritual this evening only lasted about 20 minutes! Yea!!
Our day began with our 4-year-old's soccer game - we were rushing out the door at 8:59 am for a 9:00 am game... not bad for us!!! At least we beat the chime of the nine o'clock hour... My son did score a couple of goals, bless his heart, though in the other team's goal!
After the soccer game, we piled back in the mini-van (what else would we possibly be driving?) and were off to our 2-year-old daughter's dance class. I think we earned bonus points for actually arriving on time (this includes time spent getting three children 4-years-old and under out of the van - no whining, crying, or any other various verbal input involved)! Extra bonus points earned for my daughter's full participation during class - all 25 minutes of it!
After dance class, lunch was on the horizon...hmmm....we treated our little ones to a hamburger joint where a toy train delivers lunch DIRECTLY to the table! I don't know who was more fascinated by this concept - our 4-year-old boy, 2 year-old daughter, or almost 9 month-old baby boy...The joy on each of their innocent faces was, of course, captured on digital camera to later be printed and scrapbooked.
After lunch, the kids were entertained at a fall festival, complete with face-painting, basketball shooting, and an inflatable slide. This part of the outing did, indeed, include crying and a diaper change, but can easily be called successful. Oh yeah, and fun!
The final outing of the day was a puppet show especially planned for myself (the mom!) and my 4-year-old son. The puppet show was not only entertaining in its own right, but aforementioned son was an exemplary audience participant during the puppet show.
Exhausted, we headed home, a drive which took no less than 40 minutes, complete with over-tired baby crying for at least 35 of those minutes.
Naptime was still scheduled upon our return home, but was apparently NOT on the older children's list of activities. Thus, the reason I was now able to enjoyably write about my beautiful Saturday with my wonderful family.

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