06 February 2009

Aedan's First Haircut

Last night, Aedan got his first haircut! Francie, our hairdresser, tried having him sit by himself on the chair, but he would not have that!!! He also would not allow her to place a hair-cutting cape around his cute little neck. The antidote to both issues? Mommy's lap!!! He passed with flying colors, leaving the salon looking like a star!!!
His birthday party is this Sunday, and he and his siblings are looking forward to it.

05 February 2009

One of Those Days...

Help!! It's been one of those days...nobody listening, baby teething (I think!), eldest child not listening!!!!
At times like these, I have to remind myself to take a deep breath and chill out for a while. This, too, shall pass.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go find out what that noise just was and who made it!