17 April 2009


I love dandelions! Why? Because they remind me of the innocence of youth. Every spring, my children spend hours picking them from the backyard and bringing me bouquets and bouquets of them. They look at them as beautiful flowers, certainly not weeds! Just this week both Elijah and Callan have picked me several, hearfelt bouquets. Elijah has even "planted" some in a pot for me so they can continue to grow!
I'm sure Aedan would pick me some, too, but he is too busy running around the yard chasing his soccer ball!

14 April 2009

The Circle of Life

I had to share with everyone the sad fact that we had a miscarriage on Sunday, April 5, 2009. We were about 8 weeks along in the pregnancy when it happened. We were all quite devastated, and we will certainly miss the beautiful life that God chose to enter heaven at that time. We take comfort in the fact that the chances of conceiving again soon are excellent, and we are so thankful for the blessings God has bestowed on us through our children.