I can't believe this is my 100th post! Yea!!
I have been MIA around here this week, due to a virtual book-blogging conference, called Armchair BEA, over at my other blog, A Novel Idea...check it out if you have a moment!
Also, I have been busy packing myself and our four children for our vacation to New Buffalo, Michigan - we leave tomorrow! Whew!
I have two projects that I will be blogging about on here after I return from vacation. Let me take a moment to share a little about them with you!
My first new project is called "Mary Elizabeth's Apron", which will be focused on completing one handcrafted project with my children each month. My inspiration for this (besides my beautiful children!) was the blog, Twelve Crafts Till Christmas - please give it a look - it is awesome and inspriational!!
My second project is called "Bumblebees in My Backyard", and it will encompass my summer enrichment curriculum with my kids. I will share my lesson plans and experience with all of you! Won't you please join me?
Finally, here are some gems from the blogosphere I've discovered over the past week or so...enjoy!
- Need some zen tips? Take at look at Positively Present - 15 Ways to Live in the Moment.
- If you're anything like me and my husband, we're always looking for different ways to enjoy our time together - check out Ideas to Nourish Your Marriage over at the blog, Passionate Homemaking.
- How about some wholesome food tips? 6 Ideas for Eating Wholesome Foods Without Breaking the Bank will tell you how to do this frugally and realistically. Great advice from the natural parenting blog, Codename:Mama.
- Finally, this last link came to me at the perfect time from Organizing Your Way. It tells how to minimize the stress when travelling with children. Great advice!
I will be on vacation all of Memorial Day Week, so my postings here will be light (or non-existent!) over the next week...see you soon!

Great post. New follower. www.milknhoneylearnandgrow.blogspot.com
lovely blog!! so cute:)
Hello! I am visiting from New Friend Friday. I like the look of your blog. I will have to poke around a bit more ;)
Stop by and say hi anytime! Blessings.
Aw . . . here I am reading along on your newest post, and what do I find? My blog described as inspirational! You honeslty made my day! Thanks so much for the shout out. Can't wait to see your first monthly craft with your children. Have a great vacation!
Congrats on your 100th post!! Thanks so much for being my 50th follower!! Great blog! I am following! :)
Congrats! I enjoyed the links you featured here and have become your newest follower :)
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